Equitecture is a way of thinking about the total project.

We provide the following services

  • Would you like to discuss your vision for your equine facility with an expert? Our pre-design assessments are designed to do just that.

    Anthony Worm will visit your property personally, having reviewed relevant site information and the local planning scheme, and conduct a walk around the site to discuss its potential. He will provide a preliminary report summarising what is possible, and estimating associated costs.

  • Do you require a detailed assessment of feasibility for the purpose of raising capital or securing organisational approval? Our detailed feasibility studies provide consideration of planning opportunities and constraints, a high-level design concept, spatial planning, and an assessment by a quantity surveyor.

  • Agricultural and equine landholdings are complex businesses that require careful planning to ensure safety, efficiency and to capture and enhance the beauty of the location.

    We provide detailed site assessment services that include analysis of topography, vegetation, climate and prevailing winds, orientation, aspect and views, functional requirements and planning opportunities and constraints to develop an optimal masterplan for your landholding.

  • We offer superior architectural services through our application of scientific research to the design of equine environments.

    We provide full architectural services including concept design, sketch design, planning approvals, detailed design, documentation and contract administration services.

    During concept design we develop the design solution at a high level, communicating the arrangement of space and the architectural concept. We add more detail to the design to enable the planning approvals process during sketch design, further refining the spatial arrangement.

    During detailed design, we further develop and resolve the structural and aesthetic details of your project such as external cladding, internal joinery, fixtures and finishes.

    During the documentation process we produce drawings that incorporate both architectural and building services details, essentially providing enough detail for a contractor to price the project and deliver it with minimal need to request further information.

  • Hiring a contractor to deliver a project in regional and remote areas can be a challenging process. We handle project tendering, helping you achieve the best price and to select an appropriate company to deliver your project.

    We can also manage the construction contract, helping you navigate the myriad of decisions that are required, working with the builder to rapidly problem solve when issues arise and ensuring your project is delivered at a high quality, according to the design intention and conditions of the contract.

Have a specific project in mind? Let us know.

“Horses are big and powerful, so you have to design for that. It takes skill to do that, and Equitecture’s equine experience came to the fore with all those things. A generic architect, I guess, might get there eventually - but Equitecture’s knowledge of horses meant that they were able to provide specific input on what we were thinking, to make things better for them and our clients.” 

Craig Winkler
Owner, Helmast Park

woman rides a horse galloping